Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Student Debt Consolidation Loan May Just Be The One

Category: Finance, Credit.

Student debt consolidation is a system that allows a student in debt to combine all his existing obligations into a single loan.

There are basically two types of loan available for a student, a federal loan and a private loan. With tuition fees, living expenses and, school materials other miscellaneous items, how important is debt consolidation for a newly grad? The main difference between the two, aside from their features, is that a federal loan is granted by the government through Federal Student Aid Programs while the latter is from lending institutions and banks. However, he may find, past graduation it burdensome to manage all his loans. Amidst a students numerous expenses, he is sure to avail one or maybe both of these loans to finance his study. This includes remembering all due dates, keeping track of balances and paying interest at various rates. Within six months after graduation or if he is already repaying his student loan, a student may apply for a student debt consolidation loan.

To relieve him of this tedious task, at his option, he may, avail of a student debt consolidation loan. It is advised, not to combine, however federal and private loans as this will result to loss of benefits attached to a federal loan. What are the Advantages? Such benefits include lower interest rates, tax deduction for interest paid and lower monthly payments due to longer repayment period. First, merging all payables into one will allow dealing with a single lender. Second, a fixed lower interest rate is charged as compared to combined variable rates from various lenders.

It eliminates the hassle of getting numerous phone calls from debt collectors. This is especially true if a secured consolidation loan is availed. Third, repayment period is quite long, about 5- 10 years for private loans and 10- 30 years for federal loans, depending on the total loan balance. Here, say a car, collateral, is required to be placed. Fourth, payment scheme is flexible. Lastly and probably the most important benefit one can get is that he can focus on building his career without worrying on payments and good credit standing.

A student may choose a system that would best fit his monthly income. Are there Drawbacks? Since interest rates are fixed, the borrower cannot take advantage of lower interest rates in case of deflation. It depends. Also, once the loan has been approved, it can no longer be cancelled. Some things that should also be taken into consideration if the borrower is married and is planning to combine his debts with his partner are death and divorce.

That is why it is important to analyze and check ones financial situation before entering any agreement with a lending institution. When the partner dies, the other shoulders everything else, or in case of divorce, they still need to work on splitting the bill. There are many credit unions, banks and lending institutions that are accessible through the Internet. Choosing the One. It is necessary to search, compare and ask, research around. Keep in mind that no matter where a person is in the complicated universe of payables and loans, there is always one package that will meet his needs.

Past clients can provide feedback on how well the potential lender handled his debts. A student debt consolidation loan may just be the one.

Friday, August 29, 2008

There Is Tons Of Advertising For Credit Debt Consolidation Programs And Services

Category: Finance, Credit.

There is tons of advertising for credit debt consolidation programs and services. After they have worked their magic, you ll be left with, only one monthly payment to make.

Even if you re in debt up to your eyeballs and haven t kept up with your payments for months, these companies say that they can help you consolidate your debt despite your bad credit. There are two types of debt consolidation companies, the first kind legitimately want to help people with bad credit. Sadly, the latter kinds of debt consolidation companies are more common than the former. The others have much worse intentions and try to take advantage of people deep in debt by making outrageous promises. The main difference is that the professional and legitimate companies will charge fair prices and in the end produce an actual result. In essence debt consolidation companies will talk to your creditors and try to lower your interest rates and monthly payments. While the disreputable companies will price gouge even though in most cases they provide no real results and leave their customers with just as much debt.

Once they have reached an arrangement with your creditors, they will tell you the total amount you owe per month. That is the plan that the decent companies stick to. You will then send this money to the debt consolidation company, and the debt consolidation company will distribute the money to your creditors. If you happen to sign up for the services of a bad debt consolidation company your experience may be a nightmare. This means that your creditors, who aren t receiving the money you send, will continue to harass you and report your account as unpaid to the credit reporting agencies. The companies running scams often keep much of the money you send them for various fees. This is why it is very important to research any debt company that you wish to work with.

Some of your other options include trying to obtain an unsecured loan through a bank or refinancing your house or car to pay off debt. The companies that send you emails and advertise on late night television in most cases are not the ones you want to work with. Talk to your bank or mortgage broker. Another approach that may work for some people is to apply for a zero or low interest credit card and transfer all your debt on to it. You may also want to visit with a financial planner to assess your budget and find ways to stay out of debt in the future. This approach, has a few, however setbacks.

Also, you need to do something with the rest of your credit cards like getting rid of them to avoid the temptation of starting new balances. If your credit is truly terrible the credit card company might raise your interest rate unexpectedly. You also need to be able to make the minimum payments on that card or even pay as much as you can in order to pay off your debt as quickly as possible. Remember to run a thorough internet background check on any company that you work with to weed out any potential scammers. Overall if you have bad credit, debt consolidation is possible, but make sure you re working with a reputable company that really does want to help you get out of debt.


Having A Credit Card Or Even More Than One It Is Not Uncommon Anymore - Finance and Credit Articles:

Having a credit card or even more than one it is not uncommon anymore. It is easy to get a credit card report online and fill in an application for a credit card.

What Are The Perks For This Credit Card - Harriet Vina about Finance and Credit:

Choosing a student credit card is often a burdensome process. But the Chase Student Flexible Rewards Card takes much of the guess work out of the process.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

This, Could Be The, Mr Willey Claimed First Step For Many People In Protecting Their Credit File

Category: Finance, Credit.

Missing payments on loans, credit cards and other sources of financial demand could be place many consumers under more financial pressure than they originally think, new research shows. Indeed, this was shown to have outstripped loans, mobile phones, electricity bills, satellite television and internet debts combined.

Findings from moneysupermarket reveal that about 5 million were not able to meet a demand on their spending over the course of 200Overall, credit card repayments were indicated as being the most likely bills to be missed, accounting for seven per cent. However, by failing to make payments on any one of these areas was suggested as potentially doing damage to their credit report. Research from the price comparison website also indicated that people over the age of 25 are the most likely to miss credit card bills. Such damage to a financial file could well mean that consumers see that their access to cheap loans and other types of low- rate borrowing is reduced. In particular it was suggested that 25 to 34- year- olds will not be able to not meet such demands on their spending, with 12 per cent of people from this age group failing to so. Commenting on the study, head of credit, Steve Willey cards for moneysupermarket, said: "Close to three million credit card holders will have paid out over 35 million pounds between them in penalty fees. Meanwhile, some five per cent of 18 to 24- year- olds have missed payments on mobile phone bills, the highest proportion out of all Britons.

But it is the damage to their credit rating that is more costly to them and to the other 5 million consumers who have missed payments elsewhere. He suggested that by making sure they are able to make repayments, consumers may be more likely to secure access to cheap loans and other forms of competitively- priced borrowing in the future. Consumers may feel by missing a payment they re saving a few pounds but in the long run, missing the occasional payment will affect your credit rating as lenders assess your overall ability to repay on a regular basis. Mr Willey added: "It s vital consumers do everything they can to protect their credit rating and this means keeping payments up to date. He stated that by setting up a direct debit system, consumers may find that they are constantly able to meet demands on their spending. A poor credit score stays with you for a long time and can mean being rejected for credit or being offered a product at a worse rate. " The moneysupermarket head went on to suggest that it is always better for consumers to make the minimum monthly balance on demands for payment on credit cards, loans and bills" rather than not pay anything at all" .

This, could be the, Mr Willey claimed first step for many people in protecting their credit file. Such a loan may see borrowers merge numerous constraints on finances into a single low- rate loan. For people worried that they will be unable to manage various demands on their spending, applying for a debt consolidation loan could provide useful help. Debt consolidation might be of particular help to consumers struggling with their money management in the wake of Christmas. Last month, director for Thomas, James Falla Charles, suggested that the new year is" absolutely the right time" for consumers to get to grips with their finances.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Financing Car Loans Also Requires Caution

Category: Finance, Credit.

Auto car loans is quite a hot topic these days, arent they? Thats because auto car loans are easily available rather, brimming over but they arent hassle free.

If you are thinking they are the most easily available of all loans and the most hassle free, then please make note that you are just partly correct. Car loans lure you with instant car loan offers and cheap rates of interest but you need to be alert all the while and should read between the lines. There are certain things that you always need to keep in mind about auto car loans. Opt for a Certified Used Car Only. Always compare the car loan rates being offered to you by various providers with the help of an online auto loan calculator. You might want to buy a used car in that case there will obviously be a difference between the loan rates.

This will help you in analyzing which is the best option for you. However, what you have to take care in this case is to go in for a certified used car only. Financing car loans also requires caution. Do a thorough record- check of the car as well. Auto car loans can be obtained by people with bad credit as well. Also most probably people with bad credit will be able to get only a secured loan.

Of course, there is going to be more interest that will need to be paid. Beware if in spite of your bad credit you are offered a really lucrative deal with low interest rates and no security, there is a possibility that you are being duped. This depends upon the demand for your car. The price of your car can also be negotiated with the dealer. If its not too much in demand that means you can negotiate over its price definitely. If you have done your homework well, have compared the rates, and gone into, calculated the rebate the other minute details, then go ahead and fill in your online application. This will also have a bearing on your loan.

This is simple and requires basic facts from your side. After that its a game of not more than 24 to 36 hours within which you will be holding your loan check in your hand. Within the space of a few minutes you will be able to know whether you qualify for the loan or not. Isnt this fun? Its almost like going out to shop with cash in your hand.


There Was A Time When There Where Only Two Real Features That People Compared When Choosing A Credit Card - Finance and Credit:

There was a time when there where only two real features that people compared when choosing a credit card. The second was the interest free balance transfer deal, where you could move your debt from a bank account or other credit card, and not have to pay any interest on it for the period of the introductory deal, which tended to be around 6 months.

Several Companies Giving Credit Repair Services Cannot Convey What They Pledge - Finance and Credit Articles:

More often than not we make abrupt decisions that we regret in the end. A lot of people hide the truth that they need to pay a big amount of mortgage or any type of loans and debts.

There Is A World Of Opportunity For Sure When It Comes To Credit Cards And The Payment Solutions - Finance and Credit Blog:

There is a world of opportunity for sure when it comes to credit cards and the payment solutions.

Monday, August 25, 2008

You Then Submit It To The Credit Bureau

Category: Finance, Credit.

Have you ever had a problem that just won t be resolved?

Often, there are mistakes made on credit reports that are difficult to correct. The endless phone calls, letters and hours of worry can really start to get to you. Perhaps someone else s account is showing up on your credit. I had a lender once report a late payment, while providing a payment schedule that showed I never missed a payment. Maybe a lender reported the wrong information. They refused to remove it, saying that it was indeed late, though they couldn t give the month it was late.

They had submitted the routing number as the account number, causing the missed payment. Another lender said that I sent them a check that came back as non- sufficient funds, when it had been an electronic debit over the phone. Yet they argued with me for days that they were" holding in their hands" the check with NSF marked on it. It can be frustrating. It took a phone call from my bank to straighten it up. Yet, vital.

A mistake can cost you thousands of dollars if not cleared up. Your credit report dictates what you pay to borrow money and have insurance coverage. You ve gone through the appropriate channels and provided all of the necessary paperwork. What do you do now? Yet, the creditor still refuses to fix the report. You can start by writing a statement of up to 100 words that states your dispute of the accuracy of a credit report item.

It will be added to your credit report at no charge. You then submit it to the credit bureau. The law, through the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, requires lenders to consider information that shows that your credit report may be inaccurate. It is best to do this in advance of the lender s credit check. You simply provide the lender with the documentation that proves your dispute. That way, you are all prepared.

If you win, your court costs and attorney fees will be paid. If you feel it is the credit- reporting agency s fault that the inaccuracy remains on your report, you could sue the credit- reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act for" negligent" or" willful" noncompliance. You can continue to gather your documentation and re- submit your dispute. In general, the best way to remove something is to have the creditor request it be removed. Perhaps new info and a new set of eyes at the agency will lean more your way. You may be required to provide the creditor with your documentation.

For example, a credit card company recently sent me a credit card in my maiden name for my mother s account. They will not admit to having it right out. She had never requested me to be added to her account. The company swore that they had no records of my name ever being on the account, but that they would have it removed from my credit. When it showed up on my credit report after three requests to be removed from the account, I was angry. It took six months.

You are entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the three major agencies. Make sure you check your credit report three times a year. You can go to www. annualcreditreport. com for more information. Most credit scores can be purchased online for less than$ 1Make sure you check your FICO score, as it is the one used by lenders. When applying for a loan, ask what your credit score is, just for curiosity.


The Best Cash Rebate Credit Cards Are For Excellent Credit And Are Platinum Cards - Tabitha Rini about Finance and Credit:

Cash rebate credit cards are just one of the many kinds of credit cards that offer rewards to card holders.

They Provide Intensive Credit Repair Services That Boost Credit Scores - Valeria Westervelt's Finance and Credit blog:

RCACredit is a company that serves individuals who want to increase their credit score in the credit market.

You Can Save Money By Understanding The Terms Of Your Credit Card - Nicole Moy about Finance and Credit:

If you are like most consumers, you probably haven t read the cardholder agreements for any of your credit cards.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Call And Request Credit Card Applications

Category: Finance, Credit.

"I was just informed the interest rate on my credit card is jumping from 10% to 29% . I called my bank and they told me it s because some of my other credit accounts were highly utilized. " That s exactly what happened to my friend Kyle recently.

I ve never made a late payment. Because he was close to his credit limits on unrelated accounts his bank legally jacked up his interest rate nearly 200% . Kyle didn t have late payments with the credit card that raised his rates. The practice is generally referred to as a" universal review. " And more and more lenders are using this trick to fill their pockets at the expense of an unknowing public. In fact, he didn t have any late payments on any credit cards. This situation hasn t only happened to Kyle. However, his lender simply decided that because Kyle was using his other credit, he somehow became a greater credit risk to them- so they nearly tripled his interest rate.

You see, I have several friends that hold high positions within the banking industry. This information is so hush- hush he s asked us to keep his identity secret: ".Everyday in my job as a credit analyst I see so many mistakes people make with their credit. Here s a recent comment from one subscriber who works as a credit analyst for a major national bank. You are right, most all lenders do a universal review, especially credit card companies. When we find risk we either lower the credit line, or close the, increase the APR account. When we review a card member s credit bureau report( CBR) we are assessing risk to the bank and our goal is to reduce risk and exposure. That is why account performance and utilization of revolving trades is so important. " As you can see, Kyle s situation could have been worse.

And the credit analyst went on to say. ".A lot of times we are using old income information when making a decision. The lender could have closed the account or lowered his credit limit. Usually, when we see something that doesn t fit the card member s profile, we will call to try and get updated information such as current income and reasons for recent delinquency on their credit reports or their account with us. And that information can be several years old. If we can t get them on the phone the moment we call we have to make a decision with the information we have. If the income we have on file is older than six months I can t use it and need to call.

So it is in the card member s best interest to call the credit card company and give them updated income information and any explanation for delinquency or increased utilization. " So what do you do? If I don t get the card member I have to make my decision right then- I can t wait as we review thousands of accounts a month. First of all, if this has not happened to you, I wouldn t get overly concerned just yet. To be on the safe side, whenever your income increases you should call your credit card lenders and let them know- make sure they note it in your file. Just be aware that nearly half of the credit card lenders do some sort of universal review and it s a growing trend. If your credit card lender does conduct a universal review on you and you re negatively affected by their decision- here s what to do: Contact your lender immediately and determine why the lender feels you re a greater credit risk. and then fix it, if it s fixable. If the lender s answers don t sit well with you, begin interviewing new lenders.

It could be as simple as giving them updated income information. Call and request credit card applications. And if you re comparing credit cards you already have, and cannot locate the original application you signed. call each lender and ask them for a copy of your application with your current account s terms and disclosures. To determine if a credit card lender uses universal review, do this: go to the disclosure form and find the headline" Other APRs, " then look for the term" default rate. " That should tell you what you need to know. You need to know your current terms, as they may not be the same as the original offer you received. Remember, before you begin this cat& mouse game, have a" Plan B" in place. After you have compiled your list and found a lender that will give you acceptable terms and rates, contact your original lender and tell them you are considering closing the account.

Just make sure" Plan B" doesn t use the same or worse practices as your original lender. Not all lenders use them( thank God) , but be careful of the ones that do. Just be aware of card tricks. Lenders have lowered the bar on their ethics. It s up to us to read the fine print and play their game.


So How Do You Start The Process Of Credit Report Monitoring, And What Can It Really Tell You - Leonor Mcauliffe about Finance and Credit:

Credit report monitoring is something that is very important when you begin the process of improving your credit score.

These Steps Should Help You Get The Right Credit Card - Finance and Credit Blog:

Credit cards are an important means of establishing credit history. Here are few things to keep in mind before you apply for a credit card.

Special OPEN( R) The Small Business Network Features - Finance and Credit Blog:

If an unmatched business credit card with fee free membership reward program, from one of the leading credit card providers in USA is your priority, the Platinum Business From American Express is the right credit card for you.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Normally, It Will Take You Months And Possibly Even Years To Get Out Of Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

Consolidating your credit card debt is actually one of the smartest decision you could ever make.

Consolidation is very common these days, and it is actually a sure way to combine your debt and make sure that you never get yourself too far in credit card debt. Credit card consolidation is ideal for anyone who is looking to have better credit now, and in the future. Even though there are many reasons why to consolidate your debt, one of the better reasons is to get a better rate. Anytime you are able to consolidate your debt and save yourself a bit of money- you should never hesitate to do so. If there is a way to get lower rates on a current consolidation, then you ll have no reason to consolidate your debt. Not only will consolidating your credit card debt save you money on interest rates, consolidating your debt will greatly reduce the stress which can come from carrying a lot of debt.

No you do need to know that when you consolidate all of your credit card payments into one monthly payment that you will have the consolidated cards terminated and the associated accounts closed. You won t have to wonder where you re going to get the money to pay all of those separate credit card payments ad you ll be able to make ends meet while still paying off your credit card debt. This can improve your credit rating, although for some people this may be a bitter pill to swallow. When you take the decision to consolidate your credit card payments, it is advisable to seek out the assistance of a professional. All in all, it s for the best. There are many financial institutions which deal with debt consolidation, but you should do some research on the companies- determine what fees they charge and look for any hidden costs. A lot of people who turn to credit card debt consolidation, let their credit cards get the best of them.

Don t be afraid to ask questions, this is a very important decision and you should be informed of all the factors involved. A credit card can be great to have, although it can be easy to abuse as well. Once you get yourself in credit card debt, it can be really hard and very stressful to get out of it. If you aren t careful in your spending, you can rack up debt before you know it. Normally, it will take you months and possibly even years to get out of debt. This is what you will give to the financial institution that you have chosen. Make a list of all the credit cards you own and how much you owe on each card.

They in turn will contact these companies and make the best deal that they can with them.


Well, Irrespective Of What Your Personal Opinions Are, Students Are Increasingly Being Targeted By Credit Card Companies - Finance and Credit Articles:

Are no students able to take care of their money?

Another Popular Federal Government Grant Award Is Housing Grants - Finance and Credit Articles:

Each year the federal government awards approximately$ 400 billion to individuals and organizations in the form of federal government grants.

Your Credit Score And Credit Card Use Are Closely Intertwined, With Both Effecting Each Other Profoundly - Finance and Credit Blog:

Your credit score and credit card use are closely intertwined, with both effecting each other profoundly.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Even From Just That, Business Credit Cards Seem A Good Proposition

Category: Finance, Credit.

Yes is the answer that s comes out almost immediately. Before we delve deeper into how business credit cards are helpful, let s try and understand what a business credit card is.

That is true at least for most businesses( especially small businesses) . Put simply, a business credit card is a credit card that is owned by a business and not an individual. Other than that, business credit cards work in pretty much the same fashion as the personal credit cards. To understand this better, you can simply draw an analogy between the business credit cards and business bank accounts, which are in the name of the business as well. With a few exceptions. Even from just that, business credit cards seem a good proposition.

These exceptions are in the form of flexibility in credit limit, low APRs and some other additional benefits that are available to business credit cards only. However, business credit cards would be attractive even without those benefits because the main benefit lies elsewhere. For most small businesses, business expense accounting is a big overhead. The big- big benefit from a business credit card is realised in terms of business expense accounting. With business credit cards, this is handled very easily- you just have to ensure that you make all your business expenses on your business credit card and let the personal expenses be on the personal credit card i. e. segregation of business and personal expenses is all you need to do. The key here is to make sure that you use your business credit card for all your business expenses( or as much as you can) . So the bill for your business credit card will have all the business expenses on it and you wouldn t need to collate all the various bills or sort out the items from your personal credit card bill.

Moreover, a lot of business credit card suppliers realise this need of small business and even organise the business credit card bills in a way that meets the accounting requirements of these businesses. In fact, some of the business credit card suppliers go to an extent of providing the bills in a format that can be downloaded and exported to an accounting system i. e. you don t need to enter the data manually in your accounting system. So mostly, they will appropriately group the expenses on the business credit card bill so as to facilitate business expense accounting. In case the format is not suitable for your accounting system, you can hire a software professional to write a small quick program to convert it into a suitable format. Thus just one reason- facilitation of business expense accounting , is enough to support the case of small business credit cards.


Business Credit Cards Are Here To Help - Finance and Credit Articles:

As the dependence on credit card is growing, new areas are finding the convenience offered by them simply too irresistible.

Here S Answering How: What A Bad Credit Score Means To The Credit Card Company: A Reality Check On Your Financial Situation - Finance and Credit Articles:

A bad credit score is no problem with the competitive offers from leading credit card companies all vying with each other to out- do their customer service quality, card usage features and fee- rate deductions besides lower interest rates given to applicants with credit limitations. If you have a bad credit score and want to apply for a business credit card that has low or no annual fees, low interest rates and is big on granting reward points, there is really no reason to think the companies will discredit your application.

Getting Your Free Credit Report Is Simple - Krista Fischer's Finance and Credit blog:

Getting a copy of your credit report has never been easier than it is today.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In Summary, It S Easy To Apply For A Credit Card In Person, By The Use Of An Agent Or On The Web

Category: Finance, Credit.

First off, if you re particular about your privacy and would like to sign up with an Internet credit card corporation that treats your personal details with the a lot of respect, then look for a credit card corporation online whose site address starts up with https. You can dudge credit card rates by making sure you keep to the set date given to you by your credit card corporation to offset your credit card bills.

This is no doubt a warning that the site is safe. Credit card debt can truly be like a vise around your neck and is a universal situation among numerous people that have credit cards. Credit card companies that are providing newest credit cards to credit card indebted people who desire to consolidate their debts under them frequently offer a low or zero percent interest rate in order to get them on board but amplify the rates after a period of six or twelve months. Application for credit online is processed by a credit card processing software online that is used to ascertain the knack of the client to pay for the product purchased. Make sure that you find out what the rate will be after you register with them to ascertain if you can effortlessly afford it. You should target the credit card corporation that charges the highest interest rate on your debt and get rid of it first before paying attention to the rest of your debts if you re set to say goodbye to them. Credit card processing refers to all the procedures that are involved in the process of credit cards and encompasses an intricate network of systems in addition to people working in co- ordinated harmony to make sure that applications are processed, credit cards are supplied, important info is stored and bills and also info are relayed to related customers.

Secured credit cards, also referred to as bad credit cards are as popular as their credit card counterparts and give credit card debtors a chance to be free of debt and still use a credit card. It s easy to get a good credit card deal by extensively ferreting through the ones that are available. A really good credit card deal is a relative word that is used to describe the procurement of a credit card that matches what the client wants. In summary, it s easy to apply for a credit card in person, by the use of an agent or on the Web. The results are frequently similar as you will eventually enjoy a credit card that allows you to get whatever you want without the complication of counting dollar bills.


The IMPACT Visa� Card Is A Very Popular Prepaid Card - Finance and Credit Blog:

Prepaid cards bring a host of benefits to a card holder.

But, How Do You Get The Most Out Of Your Business Credit Card - Ana Imhoff about Finance and Credit:

Business reward credit card offer a lot to the small business in terms of savings, business travel, cashback, hotel stay, protection and other, insurance facilities. Strange it might sound, but the fact is that most of the small businesses aren t even able to enjoy a fraction of the business reward credit card benefits.

In Today S Society, Credit Cards Are Considered To Be A Luxury - Finance and Credit:

In today s society, credit cards are considered to be a luxury. While some credit cards come with very strict guidelines, there are still a lot of companies that are willing to give college students and even high school students credit cards in order to help them build their credit up.

Monday, August 18, 2008

You Will Be Able To Give Your Employees Their Own Small Business Credit Card For Your Company With A Pre- Set Limit

Category: Finance, Credit.

A small business credit card can help your company in many ways but of course, there is a downside if you do not know what to expect from your credit card company. However, a small business credit card can also benefit your company in several ways with great rewards and introductory offers.

Many people jump right in and apply for small business credit cards, get approved and start charging before they even read over the terms and conditions, that can be a very big mistake. Small business credit cards can be very efficient, providing you with consolidated yearly statements of your company s expense charges and aids in preventing employees from overspending. This will give you a list of all the expenses and you will be able to learn just what your company really needs to spend on a monthly basis and how to budget more wisely. With a small business credit card, you will be able to use one single payment method and monitor your monthly billing statements. You will be able to give your employees their own small business credit card for your company with a pre- set limit. On the downside, a small business credit card is still a credit card, and any overspending or unnecessary charges on your part or your employees can damage your credit rating. This will ensure that they do not spend more than you have allotted for their department, but giving them a sense of trust for purchasing items that are needed.

With a credit card, no matter what kind it may be there is a tendency to overspend unless you have a pre- set limit and pay off your balance on a monthly basis. If you did not apply for a small business credit card with a low interest rate, you may find yourself going in debt more than you had planned. If you carry a balance, then you will of course be paying interest on the balance. If you do not make your payments on time, this will be reported to the credit bureaus. No matter what you decide regarding a small business credit card, be sure that you find the proper credit card that suits your company with a pre- set limit for spending for your employees. Usually this does not affect your personal credit rating but it can do some damage to your company s credit and then you may find that some companies may not wish to do business with your company. If you are on an introductory offer be sure you know when it will change and what happens afterwards.

This can save your company quite a bit of money and yourself many headaches. If you have a 0% interest rate and it will change in 6 months, be sure you know what the new interest rate will be.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

The majority of banks now offer no annual fee credit cards to lure in potential customers.

Don' t jump at the offer you receive though. Picking a card with no annual fee can save you a lot of money. Choosing the right card can be tricky and knowing what kind of agreement you are locking into is important. Everything you need to know about a particular credit card and its policies can be found either on their website or in the fine print included with your card. Tips for Choosing the Right No Annual Fee Credit Card. As a responsible card- holder, you need to be aware of the terms you are agreeing to. Though the information printed about your card's account terms may seem like boring copy or legal talk, it is important to read through it.

Read the fine print every time. The fine print often contains the most important details about your credit agreement, including additional fees you may otherwise not be unaware of. Take the time to note the changes in the policy to avoid paying extra fees. Credit card companies also update these policies from time to time and mail the new copy with your billing statement. Be aware that over time the interest rate of your no annual fee credit card may go up by 10% or more. Just know that this usually means there will be a large increase in the interest rate in the near future. Introductory rates look good and work well to draw new customers in.

Be sure to know the policy on late fees. Many cards also have a policy that the low APR is only locked in as long as payments are made on time. Some credit cards charge as much as$ 39 for a late fee, which makes up for them not charging an annual fee. Late payments may result in an instant increase in your interest rate. They can snowball if left unchecked. Learn the company's policy on over- the- limit fees. A late fee is all it takes to put you over- the- limit and without making a purchase you could owe an additional$ 80 or more to bring your credit card current.

The Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards. Check to see if the credit card company offers any type of benefit like traveler's miles, a purchase protection, merchandise perks plan, gas rewards or, balance transfer options a cash back reward system for using the card. Every credit card has different terms. The right no annual fee card can help you save money. Carefully look over each option to decide which one would work best for your financial situation and spending style. Chase Bank offers a Platinum Business Card that has an introductory rate of 0% with no annual fee and the APR is just 124% . Citi Bank offers the CitiBusiness Card that has a low APR of 174% , no annual fee, merchandise discounts and a 0% introductory offer.

The Discover Business Card offers a 199% APR, no annual fee and cash back rewards. The American Express Simply Cash Business Card offers no annual fee, unlimited cash back for purchases made with the card, a 0% introductory rate and a low 25% APR.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Reward Perks Does This Credit Card Offer

Category: Finance, Credit.

All too often, it seems like part of being a college student is being almost broke all the time or at best, having very limited financial resources.

Here's how the card stands up to the tough competition. While having a credit card such as the Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students doesn' t eliminate the hardship altogether, it can certainly be used effectively to spread every dollar just a bit further and get some cool freebies at the same time. The Ever Important Interest Rate- How Does It Rate? In fact, the APR for purchases on this card actually outranks many other student credit cards and even holds its own when lined up against many of the cards intended for those with perfectly established credit and stable financial security. The Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students delivers when it comes down to interest rates. Offering six months of introductory interest free purchases, this student credit card can help when it comes to covering those hefty book costs for the semester. Even so, if you can manage paying off in full every month, and you should if at all feasible, you' ll avoid paying any finance charges at all.

Making payments on this always dreaded purchase without the added interest can really help the pocketbook. If interest charges have been accumulated on other credit cards, the Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students is a very viable choice for consolidating those amounts with a balance transfer. What Reward Perks Does this Credit Card Offer? The card's six months of interest free balance transfers is right up to par for the course. Simply put, lots of them. Purchases outside of book stores, record stores, restaurants, video rentals, and movie theaters will still receive one ThankYou Point per dollar of purchases. With 5 ThankYou Points� given for every dollar spent with the Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students at many of the places most popular with college students, the rewards do add up with regular use.

Unique to the Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students is the added benefit of earning 25 points for on time bill payment and the thoughtful bi- yearly recognition of keeping a good GPA with up to 2, 000 ThankYou Points. When enough have been accumulated, it is easy to cash them in for gift cards or airline tickets to go visit a buddy, hit the slopes for the weekend, or just to jaunt home for the holidays. So again, the points can add up quickly if the card is used on a regular basis. This credit card's perks and rewards are among the best of the bunch. When it comes to college student credit cards, there are many options to choose from. Looking at the Bottom Line.

Some of them outperform this card in one individual category or another. However, for a well rounded package with good interest rates, and other valuable, good rewards features, the Citi� mtvU� Platinum Select� Visa� Card for College Students is a worthy pick.